Friday, August 17, 2007

A quote is quote is a quote.

One of my most favorite quotes is from Katherine Hepburn.

"Life is hard. After all, it kills you."

My latest favorite quote is from Marianne Faithful. It's originally from her autobiography and is about her bout with heroin amongst other consumables.

"I'd tried to kill myself and it hadn't worked. I realized that I was just going to have to make it."

I found it on one of my favorite people's blog, Gledwood Vol 2.


joy said...

I almost posted a list of quotes. I think everyone in any kind of recovery is collecting them. There's "Another Fucking Growth Opportunity" or AFGO as RD says...and then, "It's Not My Bucket Of Shit," or the alternative, "That's your bucket of shit, and I'm not going to help you carry it." And then EJ's "Only loan what you can afford to give." That's kept me from making a few stupid-ass mistakes. And now, I'm sleepy, and I'm trailing off and not remembering the thousands of other ones I wanted to post...

Stepbackjack said...

Life is a shit sandwich and every day you have to take a bite!

That is my dry, Yankee relatives from South Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa there.

I personally like "The right way is the hard way" and "I am not pesemistic, I am a realist!"

My own, of course.

Married to My Ex

My C's, "Why me? I am a victim" (or what it was before....)