Thursday, August 16, 2007

I can't get enough of these.

Doesn't she say "snorting"? It kind of sounds like "Schnorting." Maybe she was creating a new hybrid way of saying "smoke/snort/shoot."


Stepbackjack said...

Is she someone famous now? I remember that commercial and thinking then that she was crazy. I mean it is true but to a kid it was crazy. And shouldn't she be a bit chunkier so she doesn't have that herion chic thing going on that was really the rage at the time?

But yeah, they are funny. Thanks for putting them here. I reminds me of the weird "After these messages we'll be right back" and it was in clay and they would switch heads before they would say right back. That was weird. Maybe I didn't need drugs ever because I watched such insane tv, like Peewee's Playhouse (which now reruns on Cartoon Network, yes!)

Married to My Ex

Anonymous said...

YA! That's the one I was talking about!

Anonymous said...

is there something wrong with heroin chic?