Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Great Expectations

I don't have expectations. Expectations in your life just lead to giant disappointments.
Michael Landon

I am struggling with something right now because I had expectations. And I was let down.

When I have expectations about a person, place or situation, it almost always will fall short of my standards or what I imagined it to be. It is alright to have a goal and work towards it. It is alright to have principles of personal integrity. However, it is not alright for me to live with expectations.

Here are some definitions of expectation(s):

(1) Prospects, especially of success of gain
(2) eager anticipation
(3) belief (mental picture) of the future
(4) the feeling that something is about to happen

All of those definitions point to the fact that I believe I have control. I believe I can can call the shots in my life.

I am powerless over the players in this game of life. I can't set expectations because I will always want them to play out in my favor, and I will be let down. I can't always "eagerly anticipate" because sometimes the best things in life come to those who wait. My mental picture of what lies in the future (as one person) is too narrow, and probably way off target, for something as profound as humanity and the world.

I can set my mind to a goal (which is defined as the result or achievement toward which effort is directed). A goal is working in the present. I cannot EXPECT that I will reach my goal, but I can put in as much effort and integrity as I can to get there.

And if I am not successful with my goal, life goes on. I will have to accept the positive or the negative, as when I live without expectations, the outcome will be a wonderful surprise to me. If it's good, then I am even happier. If it's bad, then I won't be so disappointed and I'll learn from it.

Now, though, I'm paying the price because I didn't follow that simple quote above.


erinsav said...

It's always so much easier to know what we are supposed to be doing than it is actually doing what it is would should be doing.

If only we could follow our own advice.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the expectations stuf comes with some very painful lessons -- been there.


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

I hadn't heard the Michael Landon quote before, but my husband loves a saying from his 12 Step, "Expectations lead to resentments." It's true -- expectations can be killer -- especially when you don't even realize you have them until you're disappointed.